Why Learn ASL?

10 Reasons to Take ASL at Ohio State

several students signing in a classroom

  1. To learn a unique visual, spatial, gestural language.
  2. To learn about the rich culture and history of American Deaf people.
  3. To fulfill the GE foreign language requirement at OSU.
  4. To make connections and build relationships within our small, interactive classes.
  5. To communicate with members of the deaf community right here in Columbus - one of the largest, longest, and strongest in the nation.
  6. To increase understanding about your own native language and culture.
  7. To gain valuable skills and knowledge that can enhance your work performance and increase job opportunities.
  8. To sharpen your cognitive skills by experiencing a different way of learning.
  9. To explore the multiple perspectives on deafness and communication.
  10. To build a foundation for further studies in deaf and ASL related fields.

For more reasons on why you should learn a second language, see this article from the Huffington Post:


See the Ohio Deaf and ASL Social Events Facebook page for activities and events in the Columbus Deaf community that are open to the public to participation. 

Note: These are not OSU-sponsored events.