The ASL Program offers a minor in American Sign Language (ASL) Studies which focuses on developing intercultural competencies in a visual language which is not only semantically and grammatically different from the students’ own language but also broadens and enriches their knowledge of and their respect for ASL and signing communities.
The courses foster students’ language development as well as their relationships to communities that comprise linguistic minorities both in the United States and globally.
The ASL Studies minor complements a range of majors throughout the College of Arts and Sciences and beyond.
Program Goals and Objectives
- Students will continue to develop their ASL Interpersonal and Interpretive (comprehension) language skills.
- Students will understand and appreciate the concepts of intercultural competence and their personal development of intercultural competence throughout the courses.
- Students will be able to compare and contrast how ASL is a natural language equal to spoken languages.
- Students will be able to differentiate between various types of literature that holds a significant place in the Deaf and ASL communities.
The minor is comprised of 12 credit hours. Students must pass all three of ASL language series courses (1101, 1102, and 1103) with a grade of C- or higher.
Six of the credit hours will be satisfied by two required core courses. The final six credit hours will be satisfied by selecting two elective courses (6 credit hours) from the list of options; at least one of these two courses must be an ASL course.
Required Courses
All of the courses (required and elective) are regularly scheduled during autumn and spring semesters.
The following courses are REQUIRED for the ASL Studies minor (both must be taken):
- ASL 2104: American Sign Language Conversational Discourse I, 3 credit hours.
- ASL 3105: American Sign Language Literature, 3 credit hours.
The following courses have been identified as ELECTIVES for the ASL Studies minor. Choose two of the following courses (6 credit hours); at least one of these two courses must be an ASL course:
- ASL 3104: American Sign Language Conversational Discourse II, 3 credit hours
- ASL 3350: American Deaf Arts and Literature, 3 credit hours.
- ASL 3650: Deaf Culture and History, 3 credit hours.
- ASL 4189S: : Intersection of American Sign Language, Deaf Culture,
and the Deaf Community, 3 credit hours.
- ARTSSCI 5797: Study Abroad (up to 6)
- ENGLISH 2277: Introduction to Disability Studies, 3 credit hours.
LING 2000(H): Introduction to Linguistics, 3 credit hours.
For more information, contact Kristin Wickham-Saxon, Director of Undergraduate Studies.