May 8, 2018
ASL 3105 (level 5 of ASL) to be offered Spring 2020

The ASL Program is excited to be able to offer the ASL 3105: AmericanSign Language Literature course autumn semester 2018. This course is designed to explore and examine storytelling and poetry of the American Deaf Community. Students will expand their expressive (speaking) and receptive (comprehension) skills by examining and deciphering ASL Literary works by native ASL users as well as by creating their own works of literature using ASL. Use of American Sign Language is required for this course.
Topics covered in this course will include:
- history and definition of ASL Literature
- ASL Storytelling features
- incorporating ASL for aesthetic expression
- ASL poetry forms and features.
There are prerequisities for the course: Successful completion (grade of C or better) of ASL 2104 or departmental permission.