ASL 4189 - Service learning course enrollment - FULL

Are you interested in using your ASL skills in the ASL and deaf communities? Do you have a passion for service? Would you like to take a course that will change how you see yourself and the world? Consider taking ASL 4189S, "The Intersection of American Sign Language, Deaf Culture, and the Deaf Community" during Spring semester. Please see the attached FAQ document for more information about this service-learning course and the application link. Up to 24 students will be selected for enrollment. Don't delay; applications are due by October 1st.
This course is designed to increase student awareness of agencies and organizations that serve the central Ohio deaf community. Students will have the opportunity to use American Sign Language with fluent users and apply their understanding of cultural norms and expectations through providing needed services and support at those organizations.
Yes. Students must complete ASL 1101 before taking ASL 4189S and receive permission of the instructor(s). Completion of ASL 1103 is recommended.
Three (3) semester credit hours.
The course is offered during Spring semesters. During Spring 2018, class will be held on Wednesdays from 1:00-3:45pm. Service hours (a minimum of 35 hours spread over the semester) will be coordinated between the community partners and each individual student.
The class may enroll up to 24 students.
Service Learning & Civic Engagement, Cultural Competence, Leadership in Service Learning, Reflective learning, and accountability and responsibilities while engaged within the deaf communities.
Students will be placed in different agencies/organizations serving the deaf communities within central Ohio, no more 30 miles within the range from OSU. The type of community partners agencies/organizations may be a social service agency, a group home, nursing and/or rehabilitation facility, independent living housing, and/or advocacy agency specializing in anti-violence. On-site service includes hands-on tasks involving communicating with those who use ASL whether it be providing direct service to the consumers who are deaf, deafblind, deafdisabled, hard of hearing or late deafened or support to professionals who may be deaf or hearing serving these deaf communities.
Students are responsible for their own transportation to the off-campus community partner. A few of the community partner sites are on the COTA bus line. Most sites are in Franklin County; one site is located in Delaware County. Students without their own car may also try to arrange a carpool with other students placed at the same community partner. Students should figure travel time into their schedule of availability for service.
Students will commit to a minimum of 35 service hours throughout the semester. *Transportation time to and from the community partner site is not counted toward service hours.
Student’s hours will be determined with the community partner. However, students need to understand scheduled hours may change at the last minute due to demand for client intervention, medical/court appointments, or meetings outside of the community site. Constant communication with community partner is crucial to completing your hours for the coursework.
Yes. These assignments require submission to Carmen, participation in class discussions, keeping track of community service hours, reflecting on service experiences, presenting at a community event, and attendance to class according to the syllabus, including during final exam week.
The “S” indicates the course has been approved by the university to have a service-learning designation.
No, this course is not currently approved as a GE. However, students may contact their program to request approval.
No, this course is not on the approved list for Disability Studies. However, students may contact their program to request approval.
Positive attitude. Respect for diversity. Willingness to make mistakes. Willingness to ask for clarification. Ability to accept criticism and feedback. Flexibility with time, schedule, and situations. Self-advocacy/willingness to request guidance or help.
- “I absolutely loved the experience of using ASL outside of a classroom setting and would encourage others to apply to take this unforgettable course!!” –Spring 2017 student
- “I would definitely recommend it, and I would do it 100x over. I felt needed at (my community partner site), and I feel way more confident in myself and in my people skills. I will continue to help out at (my community partner site) this summer. Also, our classes held on campus were my favorite out of all 4 of my years at OSU. I love learning through activities.” –Spring 2017 student
- “Gosh, it's hard to name the most valuable thing I learned. You will learn a lot in this class. Most generally, I learned so much more about Deaf culture and I learned how to interact with both Deaf and disabled individuals comfortably and appropriately. I learned about many different social issues facing Deaf and disabled people and how I can use my privilege for good.” –Spring 2017 student
- “Signing now just feels more natural. I would encourage people to break out of their comfort zones. When I first started at (my community partner) on day one I tried speaking with a deaf-blind woman, and although I was nervous it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Actually, (she) now knows it is me when I talk to her because we have interacted so much.” –Spring 2017 student
- “Everyone has a different story, it is important to put yourself in situations where you don't feel comfortable, and the Deaf community is extremely helpful and patient with people with intermediate signing skills!” –Spring 2017 student
No teacher recommendation is required.
Please use this ASL 4189S Application: Spring 2018 to complete a secure application. Thoughtfully, and thoroughly complete your application by the deadline: October 1, 2017.
Students will be notified of selection within 2-3 weeks of the application deadline.
Questions should be directed to the team instructors, Marla Berkowitz and Kristin Wickham-Saxon