Lauren Sanders
Senior Lecturer
120 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH
- BA, Interpersonal & Organizational Communications, OSU
- AA, Interpreting & Transliterating (ASL), Columbus State
- MA, Teaching ASL as a Foreign Language, Teachers College, Columbia University
Lauren has taught ASL in various schools in New Jersey, New York, and Ohio at the secondary and post-secondary level. She joined the OSU ASL Program in 2006 as a Senior Lecturer and then assumed a five year term as Director, ending in autumn 2012. Lauren loves supporting students in their learning journey throughout the GE language series and the ASL Studies minor courses.
Lauren began her career in ASL as a nationally certified sign language interpreter, working with deaf people in a variety of settings. Some of her favorite interpreting experiences have been working on domestic tours and international cruises with interpreters and deaf people from across the country.
Lauren's professional interests include language acquisition, linguistics, interpreting, pedagogy, curriculum design, cultural studies, and mentoring. Lauren's personal interests include yoga, traveling, learning languages and experiencing new cultures, watching her son play sports and electric guitar, and spending time with all of her family and friends.