Tamara Steele
Senior Lecturer
120 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH
Tamara Steele has been teaching American Sign Language at the post-secondary level since 2003. She began her teaching career at Columbus State Community College prior to joining the ASL Program as a Senior Lecturer at Ohio State University in 2012.
She has also served as Coordinator of ASL student performers who sign the national anthem at OSU home football and men’s basketball games since 2014.
Tamara began her career with ASL as a Sign Language Interpreter working with Deaf people in educational, government, health care and artistic settings. Some of her fondest interpreting experiences were with local community theatre productions and Sign Language choirs.
Professional Interests:
ASL Pedagogy
Foreign Language Acquisition
Instructional Methods
Curriculum Development
Student Engagement
Artistic Interpreting