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Marla Berkowitz: Hope Through ASL

Marla Berkowitz is an American Sign Language (“ASL”) instructor at The Ohio State University and Ohio’s only Certified Deaf Interpreter. Focusing on accessibility and service…

Emily Fermier

Aces of Trades: OSU Marion lecturer finds her career sign next door

“Emily is a very talented American Sign Language instructor,” assessed Dr. Leslie Beyer-Hermsen, assistant dean at OSU Marion. “She’s very passionate about her subject matter and her enthusiasm…

Marla Berkowitz

Ohio State Instructor gains fame during COVID briefings

ASL interpreter who gained fame during COVID briefings raising profile of deaf community

(WSYX) — Things have changed since Marla Berkowitz became a daily fixture in the lives of Ohioans…

People Directory

Associate Professor and Director of the Center for ASL and Deaf Equity